Following the expertise acquired in recent years through the performance of complex and frequent plant and fire prevention Due Diligence analyses, Abaco Team is now recognised as an exemplary leader in the management of health and safety services in the real estate sector.
Our services provide assistance in the management of facilities, fire prevention and health & safety aspects connected to the building. These include both the provision of audits, consisting of in-depth data analyses and opinions on real estate issues, as well as professional activities aimed at adapting structures to the regulatory requirements.
We offer various HS services to help you reach your objectives and to provide all the necessary outputs. Discover our complete offer:
This tool is designed to investigate and analyse data and information on the property. It provides a comprehensive overview of the condition of a building’s plant facilities and assesses the maintenance status and level of compliance with current regulations. In the event of limited functionality or missing documents, it provides timing and costs for compliance
Abaco Team assists Clients in managing Activities subject to control by the Fire Department (Presidential Decree 151/11), with the service of Renewal and Transfer of the Certified Works Commencement Notices (S.C.I.A.). If the building is subject to S.C.I.A., we can assist the client throughout the entire process of submitting the New S.C.I.A. or adapting it. Additional specialised services are provided in synergy with the Gabetti Fire Solution department of Abaco Engineering.
Abaco Team provides assistance to both owners and managers of properties, as well as to the other parties that require management of workplace health and safety. It draws up Emergency Plans and organises the annual evacuation test, prepares the DUVRI (Unified Document for the Assessment of Risks) and assumes the role of Head of the Prevention and Protection Service.
Our services can be provided during every phase in the property’s life cycle, whether in the pre-purchase phase, to ascertain its compliance, as well as in the management phase, to check for any problems with an asset already in the portfolio and thus keep it compliant, or in the sale phase to identify any obstacles that could slow down the transaction and promptly intervene.
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