Micaela Musso, as President of the Confindustria Assoimmobiliare Real Estate Services Committee, spoke at the event “Real estate, public investments and impact”, organized by RICS, Confindustria Assoimmobiliare and Masters in Economics and Real Estate Management, arguing that” the real estate market is closely linked to the development of cities and their state of health”.
Only if the territory becomes an attractive factor for families and businesses can the real estate market guarantee a successful performance. Public investments are crucial for generating a long-term competitive advantage and must be designed on the basis of the vocation of the territory and of the cities”.
The property will always produce value over time only if it is continuously innovated and if it is able to satisfy the demand generated by the context in which it is located. Institutional real estate operators are already looking at a decidedly more complex system, being aware that the effects of their investment depend on the continuous satisfaction of the demand that will be generated in that territory.
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